Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Justice in chapter 9

Atticus was a lawyer and wanted to do the right thing even though the townspeople didn't like him being fair with a black man. It was Atticus's job to be fair with all people. Most of the white people of Maycomb county thought that blacks were less than them which shows how unjust white people were. Scout took all the insults very personally and couldn't stand the insults to Atticus.

1 comment:

  1. Eli, do you realize that you have said two things that are almost opposed to each other? You start by saying Atticus is a lawyer AND he 'wanted' to do the right thing. Then you said that his was his job to be fair with all people. Was it his job as a lawyer that made him just or was it his desire to be just that made him a good lawyer? I think your first sentence is the more accurate of the two.

    Remember as well that I have asked you to tell me how and why. Tell me how you know what people in Maycomb thougth about blacks. Tell me why that makes them unjust (try to contrast their unjustice with someone or something that happened in the book that was just.)

    Now, I will tell you that you are predictably insightful. You see clearly what the issue is and it can be said no more simply than you have said it. The townspeople didn't like Atticus being fair with a black man. Atticus's defense of Tom Robinson should not have been heroic because he was only doing what was right. It was heroic however because there was an active attitude of injustice.

    Can you think of specific examples of this attitude? Can you think of specific things that Atticus said or did that contradict this attitude? Those will strengthen your post.

    Mrs. Amber
